Genderswapped Nations

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Title: Genderswapped Nations
Author(s): Pandapika
Date(s): 2012
Length: 48,424 words
Genre(s): Drama, Humor
Fandom(s): Hetalia: Axis Powers
External Links: FanFiction.Net, TV Tropes

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Genderswapped Nations is a Hetalia: Axis Powers fanfic by Pandapika.


Ariana Kirkland is an American girl who was kidnapped from her home by mysterious men. She later learns that she, along with seven other kidnapped girls, is a gender bend of the nations, although as young children instead of adults. She also learns that Prussia was responsible for the kidnappings, as he is planning on blackmailing the other nations into becoming a real country again. Ariana and the other gender bends must thwart Prussia's plan for world domination however they can.