Fugue (X-Files story)

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Title: Fugue
Author(s): Rivkat
Date(s): September 18, 1997
Length: 26,052 words
Genre(s): het
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Fugue at The Disenchanted Kingdom
Fugue at RivkaT's Bare-Bones Site
Fugue at The Disenchanted Kingdom
Fugue at AO3

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Fugue is an X-Files story by Rivkat.

Summary: The DSM-IV defines fugue as travel in foreign places, often under an assumed identity.

Reactions and Reviews


Fugue and Acadia by RivkaT - because they take all the little fluffy shipper bunny thoughts in my head and run over them with a combine harvester; which, just sometimes, is a good thing ;-)[1]
[Alicia K]
Anything by RivkaT, just because it pains me so to read it, especially "Acadia" and "Fugue". I hurt for days after that one.[2]


"Depressing, frightening, and beautiful." That description alone convinced me to check out this fic. The beginning of Fugue has Mulder and Scully married but are they really Mulder and Scully? Are we really the sum of our memories and what becomes of us when we have no memories? Be prepared for a shocking twist that'll make this fic an addition to your favorites list. It's dark in a wonderful way.[3]


I really don't want to spoil this story. Reading it deeply affected me and "Fugue" is one of my favorite stories in this or any fandom. It attempts to answer this question: Who would you be if you weren't who you were?

I have this theory that this story was written as a response to the complaint that the show is a deeply sexist text, with Mulder being the one who drives the plot, and Scully as his sidekick. Well, it is just a theory. But there does seem to be a subtext to this fable, one that hinges on female identity, and how easily women still can submerge themselves in deference to their mates' ambition and passions. [4]


  1. ^ Dahlak (1999-08-23). "Stories you never get tired of". alt.tv.x-files.creative. Archived from the original on 2023-09-20.
  2. ^ Alicia K (1999-08-23). "Stories you never get tired of". alt.tv.x-files.creative. Archived from the original on 2023-09-20.
  3. ^ roxeliz (2002-06-29). "XF Fic 101". X-Files Fanfiction 101: an introduction for newbies. Archived from the original on 2002-10-24.
  4. ^ wendelah1 at crack_van (2013-12-28). "Fugue by Rivkat (NC-17)". LiveJournal. Archived from the original on 2023-09-21.