Forgiveness (Highlander story)

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Title: Forgiveness
Author(s): Brenda Antrim
Date(s): 2000 or before
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Highlander
External Links: Forgiveness (Brenda Antrim's Fan Fiction Archive)
Forgiveness (Castle's Keep)

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Forgiveness is a Highlander slash story by Brenda Antrim.

Summary: An exploration of what Duncan may have done under the influence of the dark quickening, and how his friends come to grips with it. (NC17)

Recs and Reviews

Plain Old Rape (if there is such a thing...) HL: When Richie complained about the way Mac treated him under the influence of the Dark Quickening, Methos tells him how much worse it could have been, in Forgiveness, by Brenda Antrim. ("You don’t want this, Duncan," Methos tried one last time to reach through the wash of evil and plead with whatever remnants of his friend were still inside. "Please. Please don’t do this to me.") Can’t believe I didn’t rec this months and months ago...where is my brain?[1]
