Fantasy Man

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Title: Fantasy Man
Author(s): Sugar Rush
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Fantasy Man (RatB)

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Fantasy Man is a Mulder/Krycek story by Sugar Rush.

Summary: Krycek takes a vacation on Fantasy Island. The new Fantasy Island, with Malcolm McDowell as Mr. Roarke. No midgets, no white suits—no kidding. Warning: Character death. Sort of.

Recs and Reviews

This one is about wanting a second chance. A chance to redo everything, change the outcome. It's more of a lesson Mr. Roarke is trying to teach Alex, though. That things happen for a reason. That we can't change the past, we can only alter the future. The past is set in stone, the more you try to change it, the more it tries to revert back to the way it was. Even if we could change the past, who says it wouldn't turn out even worse than before. The choices we make, sometimes are the right ones. Others could have been made, but is that a guarantee it would make everything better. There is also a lesson in this about fantasy being just that, a fantasy. If we could have everything perfect would we. We are all imperfect people, nature abhors perfection, it likes differentiality. So how do we fit in a perfect world. Those around us aren't perfect either, sometimes it is their imperfections that attract us to them. Would we want them perfect or would we want them to be as they truly are, as imperfect as we. [...] Changing the future and going after what you want there. Getting what you want yourself, it might not be as difficult or as far out of reach as you believe it to be. I like this one, can you tell? I always like stories that play with reality and the 'what ifs?' in life.[1]

Krycek takes a break on Fantasy Island and imagines what would have happened had he not betrayed Mulder. This is almost a 'be careful what you wish' for type of story, but Krycek gets a second chance.[2]

Of all things, a crossover with Fantasy Island – and it's wonderful. Krycek is ferried off to lie low on an island paradise, where he discovers that the subconscious is a thing not to be underestimated, and that no matter how good it feels, a mirage is only a beautiful and fleeting illusion. Or is it?[3]


  1. ^ The Slash Slut's Recs: X-Files Recs. (Accessed 28 March 2015)
  2. ^ Alison's Jottings: Reposted to Dreamwidth, 21 March 2010. (Accessed 28 March 2015)
  3. ^ Worlds Enough. Sylvia's X-Files Slash Recs. (Accessed 05 April 2015)