Family Affair (Man from U.N.C.L.E. story)

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Title: Family Affair
Author(s): Nataliya
Date(s): 2004 or before
Length: 135kb
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Man from U.N.C.L.E.
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Family Affair is a Napoleon/Illya story by Nataliya.

Summary: "Illya and Napoleon are am established couple. In this story they face not only the prospect of being forcibly "outed" to Napoleon's family, but also a mysterious couple of attempts on their lives. "

Reactions and Reviews

This isn't as good as "The Healing" but I liked it very much - I'm a sucker for family stories like this one. This writer has a style I like very much - not OTT in any way but still lovely emotion portrayed. Illya is presented as active partner in their sexual activities (which is a change from common fannish portrayal of delicate Illya the virginal, docile receptical for Naploean's passion) but unfortunately, there's no example of him actually topping in this story - damn it.[1]
