Falling (Hanson story)

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Title: Falling
Author(s): Sarah (Hanson fan)
Date(s): 1999-2003
Length: 22 chapters
Genre(s): AU angst
Fandom(s): Hanson
External Links: http://geocities.ws/notsarahlee/ and geocities.com:80/juliet15.geo/hanson8.html

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Falling is a Hanson fanfic by Sarah. It takes place in an alternate universe where Isaac, Taylor and Zac are being raised by a neglectful mother. A trip to the emergency room puts them in the path of a doctor who ends up being their foster/adoptive mother.

Farther In

The sequel picks up a year after the original, after the boys have been sent back to their birth mother. What follows is a journey from bad to worse, through foster homes and hospital stays, until they finally find a permanent home with Maria and Dan. Farther In is significantly longer than the original, coming in at fifty eight chapters total.

Book Three and Oneshot

Although Sarah began writing a third book in this series in 2003 for the Pulp-Fiction-A-Thon, it never progressed past four chapters.

In 2007, she wrote a oneshot sequel of sorts for Christmas Time which showed the boys as adults (albeit mischievous ones). It was titled Merry Christmas, Santa. Love Isaac, Taylor and...

Reactions and Reviews

This is the sort of story where you really have to suspend your disbelief. A lot about the boys, from their situation to their personalities, has been changed to fit the story. While I enjoy it, it might be too much for some to swallow. It does verge on Lifetime territory from time to time, but at times also reminds me a bit of Law and Order: SVU, which is one of my guilty pleasures. Again, it’s not really everyone’s cup of tea, but it’s the sort of plot that when done right—as it is here—really works for me.[1]

I have to say, I really, really love some of the characters here. Even the minor players have well developed and distinct personalities. Dan is my favorite, though, with his vaguely hippie ways and his James Taylor music. His sense of humor is fantastic, although there’s a subtle—and sometimes not so subtle—humor running through the whole story. I think that humor is what keeps the awful things that happen from being so hard to read about. And those things are described with a detail and care that is very believable, even at its most awful.[2]

This is an alternate-universe story in which the Hanson boys are mere children being brought up in a hostile environment of an abusive mother and a rough neighborhood. You’ll fall in love with this little threesome in a different way than you had before.[3]

THE most origional plot I have ever read. As far as fan-fiction goes anyways. I mean, sure we've seen stories where the girl comes from a broken home and seeks refuge from the Hansons, but who'd have thought to put it the other way around? and make Hanson just kids! Hey, and then to bend reality a little by omitting Hanson's younger siblings. That was all really cool with me. Also, "Falling" was clear and well written, entertaining, and addicting. I read it all in one sitting, hehe. Plus, her way of charactarizing the brothers as kids was super cute. Forty-nine eleven, and Surreal- Real. LoL- I got a big kick out of Taylor's reaction to Allen. What a little piss pot that kid was. :)[4]

I have officially become a Hanfic addict. Currently reading “Farther In”, book two of the “Falling” series. Not done yet, no spoilers, please! But DAMN is it riveting. Shout out to Place to Hide, since I find all my stories there.[5]

Falling and Farther In are two of my favourite Hanfics. It’s such a shame the good authors died out.[6]

Related Fanworks


Falling received awards in the Literary Hanfic Awards, More Than Words Awards and Unsung Authors Awards. It is featured in the PlaceToHide.net and Various Artists halls of fame, as well as the Your Illusion top 5 lists.
