Enmity Mine

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Title: Enmity Mine
Author(s): Maisie Rita
Date(s): 1997
Length: ca. 7,700 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Star Trek Voyager
External Links: Enmity Mine (Maisie's Voyager Fiction)
Enmity Mine (Trekiverse)

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Enmity Mine is a Star Trek Voyager gen story by Maisie Rita. The focus is on the relationship between Tom Paris and Chakotay.

Summary: An alternate universe Voyager story, where Janeway and Tuvok are dead, and Chakotay has control of Voyager. C and P, PG-13 for language, not slash. It's been described as "harrowing". Not for the faint of heart.

Author's notes:

Premise: Alternate-universe Voyager story. Splits off from our Voyager during "Caretaker", while Janeway and Tuvok are on the Array. After Chakotay sends his ship crashing into the Kazon battleship, the battleship goes crashing into the Array. In canon, Janeway and Tuvok aren't hurt, and Janeway destroys the Array later on. In this universe, the impact of the Kazon ship causes the Array to explode. BOOM! No Janeway, no Tuvok, no way home. In the absence of any real authority figures left on Voyager, Chakotay and the Maquis commandeer the ship. Much like in "Worst Case Scenario", Chakotay plans to do things more the Maquis way, whatever it takes to get home.

The story has an inoffical sequel by Sapphire, A Lessening of Enmities.

Recs and Reviews

Maisie writes like a dream, and makes me jealous as heck, and if you haven't read her stuff yet, why not? Be sure to read Enmity Mine and Closing In, two of my all-time favorites. And if you like C/P slash, don't miss the Sweet Dreams series.[1]

Author's note from A Lessening of Enmities:

Author's Notes: If the premise of this snippet sounds familiar, it should. I've borrowed the characters from MaisieRita's Enmity Mine (with her permission, of course) and plopped them into my own scenario. Not only because I absolutely adored Enmity Mine, but because I am wicked and this is an attempt to get Maisie interested in writing a sequel to Enmity Mine. I happen to know that a sequel was started way back when. I've had some encouragement to take my scenario here and run with it. Unless we can manage to fit this into Maisie's sequel, and Maisie gives permission, I just might follow this up with more story at some future date.[2]


  1. ^ Dances with Redshoes. (Accessed 30 July 2017)
  2. ^ Sapphire. Chakotay/Paris Uncaged. (Accessed 07 July 2020)