Encore (Starsky & Hutch story by Suzan Lovett)

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Title: Encore
Author(s): Suzan Lovett
Date(s): 1985
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Starsky & Hutch
External Links: Encore

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Encore is a gen Starsky & Hutch story by Suzan Lovett.

It was published in Celebration and is also online.

Reactions and Reviews


"Encore"—A good progression of thought processes, working things out, new beginnings from chaos -- followed by beautiful illos and more beautiful S&H fun thoughts. [1]


I must say that I think Suzan Lovett is one of my all time favorite S&H writers, gen or slash. She has an amazing talent for conveying mood, humor, tenderness, conflict, plot, scene, friendship and sensuality, and Starsky and Hutch! I just re-read her "Encore" last night, and found it completely satisfying and very moving. Well done! [2]


That story always makes me feel goosey and happy and hopeful. I love the phrasing, and I'm one who is really picky about 1st person POV stories. To me that's the hardest POV to pull off, and I think Lovett did it brilliantly. I never heard her voice, I heard Starsky. [3]


The sole reason I could give would be that it’s Suzan Lovett’s story and that would be enough said. However, it’s a wonderful story about the future of the partnership that is being decided about just after the tag in Sweet Revenge. And it’s simply beautiful! [4]

I just recently found this site while looking for a place to post my story. This was great. I really enjoyed reading it. I loved the hospital staff chewing them out. I love the bond between them. Whatever happens to one happens to both. Me & Thee as it should be. Thanks for writing it. [5]


What a wonderful post-SR-tag interlude, Suzan! It's the best explanation for Hutch's S4 changes I think I've ever read. Well though-out and exquisitely written.... ! It's on my to-be-read-many-times-list, now! Thank you! [6]


  1. ^ from The Who Do We Trust Times #1
  2. ^ from a fan on The Pits Mailing List, quoted anonymously (February 14, 2002)
  3. ^ comment at The Pits Mailing List, quoted anonymously (December 18, 2005)
  4. ^ a 2012 rec at Crack Van
  5. ^ from Rescue45 at Encore
  6. ^ from D.P. Patricks at Encore