Dupe (Blake's 7 story)

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Title: Dupe
Author(s): Marian Mendez
Date(s): 1999
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
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Dupe is a gen Blake's 7 story by Marian Mendez.

It was published in Pressure Point.

Reactions and Reviews

This is a very inventive PGP (post Gauda Prime) in which everyone survives--but there's a twist which takes a while to reveal itself. It's a lovely convoluted plot in which everyone is beautifully in character; a delight to read. I have slight reservations about the darker implications of the revelations, but even they don't spoil a story I've read more than once and enjoyed just as much as the first time. [1]

The longest piece, 'Dupe' by Marion Mendez, I loved almost as much as 'Diary of a Rebel Somebody'. It has everything I love in a PGP - a *believable* happy ending, a strong Blake/Avon storyline and good, always-in-character (and often very funny) dialogue. The central idea is both clever and original, and is well worked out; the story has a strong visual feel, and great characters - a strong if (for me) simplified Blake, especially terrific Avon and Vila, and a delightful if slightly demented Dayna (and I don't *like* Dayna, so any story where I enjoy the character has to be good). And some of the one-liners could have come straight from one of the better B7 scripts.[2]

"Dupe" by Marian Mendez is the last and by far the longest of the stories, amounting to a novella. Set after Gauda Prime, it has Blake and the rest of the crew surviving and returning to Earth, where many things are revealed, both for them and for the reader.[3]

Dupe - by Marian Mendez. A long story taking up the entire second half of the zine and one of my absolute favourite PGPs. [4]

Dupe by Marian Mendez: This is one of my favourite fics in this fandom! I'd read it before, but I read it again here (the font is considerably smaller than in the rest of the zine to pack it in). Dupe is one of the best examples of the things this author does best - warm, funny characterisation of spiky characters who work together in a large, complex plot. Really interesting PGP narrative. I said all of this before, but it's all still true!

I definitely recommend this zine, but more than that - I recommend Dupe, which you can read here.[5]


  1. ^ Recced at Crack Van by Vilakins, October 26, 2005
  2. ^ from review by Sally Manton
  3. ^ from Murray Smith at Hermit
  4. ^ Delta Dome - My favourite zines, Archived version (unknown date)
  5. ^ comments by Aralias, zine reviews! - Procrastination Central, Archived version, December 27, 2015