Dreams of Long Ago

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You may be looking for The Professionals story by Jane of Australia in The Dreaming Stone Stories.

Title: Dreams of Long Ago
Author(s): P.S. Nim
Cover Artist(s):
Illustrator(s): P.S. Nim
Date(s): April 1993
Medium: print
Fandom: Beauty and the Beast (TV)
Language: English
External Links: online here
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Dreams of Long Ago is a 49-page Beauty and the Beast gen novel by P.S. Nim. It includes 122 panels of art.



A very young Vincent (perhaps 5 years old) asks Father for a doll. Vincent loves his doll, but Devin and the other Tunnel children tease him, telling him dolls are not for boys, and Vincent asks Father to put the doll away.

Mary finds a the very young Catherine wandering in the tunnels and brings her to Father and Vincent. She has wandered away from a party Above. Vincent gives his doll to Catherine.

Later, a fully-grown Vincent and Catherine think/dream of the doll, and discover that it was not a dream at all, that they really had met as children.

Zine Dedication

This work is dedicated to all my loyal customers and fannish friends whose kind and inspiring words and generous hearts have so greatly enriched my life.

Special thanks to Jane Freeman, Shirlea Hatcher

and to Lisa Gould, Julie Hamburg and The Heart of Texas Beauty and the Beast Network for picture refs...

Sample Interior

Reactions and Reviews

From the Qfer:

P.S. Nim, renowned in this fandom as a comic writer and skilled artist, has produced her own graphic novel. It consists solely of Nim's drawings and dialogue, telling an original, non-humorous story. In the present, Catherine muses on Vincent, leading into a past story in which Vincent and Catherine meet as adorably-drawn children...and share something special. Back in the present, on Catherine's balcony, they again share something special in their love for one another as grown-ups (note the guessed-at G rating). There are 122 panels of art. All fans will enjoy the charming story and the unique artwork. Unique in imagination, artistry, and execution. You can't get better for any price. [1]
