Double Bed (Stargate SG-1 story)

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Title: Double Bed
Author(s): paian
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Stargate: SG-1
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Double Bed is a Jack/Daniel story by paian.

Reactions and Reviews

Best FF That Details Daniel Jackson's New Treaty-Writing Limitations. I Am Sure You Will All Enthusiastically Support This Modification of His Duties. Double Bed, by paian. Stargate: SG-1, Jack O'Neill/Daniel Jackson.

paian is an incredible writer, and I just don't see her recommended as often as she should be - OK, yeah, everyone in SG-1 talks about her (god, I should hope they talk about her), but not so much the multi-fandom types. Now, partly that might be because I cling to the happier recs pages, and she has that astonishing ability to rip your heart out and make you grateful - sure, it hurts, but it's the kind of pain you'd pay for. Even so, I can almost see why some people maybe flinch away from her stories. So I've been patiently waiting for her to recommend the story I knew she'd write, the one that would suck you all in and make you long for more of her work, and here it is: a story about Jack and Daniel getting together late in the canon (if you don't know what happened in "Heroes" and you don't want to, don't read this story, although you'll be missing a FF experience that just doesn't come along every day) that acknowledges how very completely these characters have been broken over the years of the show and how badly they need each other by now, and also how "don't ask, don't tell" about gay sex has been trumped by the SGC's "don't ask, don't tell" about the whole lives of SG-1. And yet: happy ending. Yes! A "Heroes"-related story that is true to the characters and yet has a happy ending. I doubt the canon writers could've managed this. Of course, they probably also would've balked at the whole sex thing. Anyway: great writer. Great story.[1]

is angsty, painful. bittersweet and good. Set around Heroes I and II.[2]

Komos, a.k.a. Paian, can do no wrong. Komos does what Anna did in "Out of Season," tracing the slash where it could have plausibly occurred in canon. "Out of Season" traces it from "One Hundred Days" to "Shades of Grey" whereas Komos traces it to "Heroes." The minus to this approach is that you really believe it, and yes, it's always angst-filled. The plus is - you believe it. Especially with Komos' expert Jack-voice and direct, very male dialogue.[3]
