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Title: Diversion
Author(s): Biblio
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Stargate SG-1
External Links: online here

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Diversion is a Stargate SG-1 Jack/Daniel story by Biblio.

Reactions and Reviews

Ahh, Biblio. She's finally finished Diversion. This was actually her first fic. Begun about a year ago and now it's reached it's culmination. It's hard to believe that she only started writing fanfic a year ago. The girl is just so damn good and she just keeps getting better. I fell right in love with her last fic A Quiet Victory. I'm sitting around in eager anticipation for Dinner of Herbs to come out around Christmas time. This story was a great introduction for this wonderful writer in this fandom. Her talent and potential really shine through in this. Reading it you just knew she was going to make a big splash here. I just love her version of Jack/Daniel. Both of them are always so passionate, intelligent, and strong. There is a great original character in this one that is just a hoot. So often in fics you see Danny getting sexually harassed by various males. Well, in this one Jack gets his turn in that particular hot seat. The OC Brin is, quite literally at times, chasing Jack all over the place. You almost feel sorry for Jack, but then you think of how often this happens to poor Danny and decide 'Nah, it's about time Jack got his'. You can definitely see why Brin won as best OC in the Stargate Fanfiction awards. He's a laugh riot, that just drives Jack to nearly the end of his tether. If you haven't read it yet, you definitely need to check this fic out. It's a great way to see how good she was in the beginning and how much Biblio's work has evolved so beautifully over time.[1]

Slash Slut's Stargate SG-1 Recs

This story crept onto the screens as a WIP, and by the end of the first installment I was hooked. After the first six parts, Biblio kept us waiting for some time before finishing it off all at once, and rewriting some of the original.

It is an AU version of The Light, with SG-1 mounting an undercover operation to flush out a Tok'ra traitor in Demeter's (one of Chronos' children) pleasure palace. Biblio has an individual style, and writes with intelligence and wit. She researches her facts thoroughly, and sufficient information and description is thrown into the mix to give us a detailed account of Demeter's place in Goa'uld society, and the culture she had decided to model herself on. Demeter is the main villain of the piece and her target is Daniel.

While Demeter provides the darkness, comedy is provided by one of the most enjoyable OMCs I have ever read. General Brin is both an efficient leader and solider and a letch and sexual 'predator'. His, unwelcome, attentions are directed at Jack, with Daniel as cheerleader, and Jack's desperate and ineffectual attempts to persuade him to desist made me laugh out loud at times.

I enjoyed many aspects of this, very long, story. Despite the concentration on the beginning of Jack and Daniel's relationship, Sam and Teal'c are far from neglected. Sam is drawn as the 'big sister' caring for her men folk, and somewhat protective of Daniel. Teal'c is the noble alien, keen to ensure the safety of his team. The small flashes of humour and genuine caring between Sam and Teal'c are a brief, but welcome, aside to the story. The dialogue is sharp, amusing and in character, and the slow build up and coming together of Jack and Daniel, erotic and plausible.

The factors I found less rewarding were the constantly changing point of views (POV). I prefer my stories to be in one person POV for a section/chapter. To be fair to Biblio, the constantly shifting POV was never confusing, and she adds a great deal of detail in this manner. I also found the ending confusing, and very unbelievable, albeit, yet again, very funny. Slash is, by its very nature, AU, however I tend to prefer my slash to be as near to 'real life' as possible. I had to suspend belief to accept that General Hammond would countenance such a use of SG-1. I also couldn't believe that the somewhat conservative and private Daniel would be willing to be dressed so provocatively, however appealing the thought might be! Neither did I really see the need. I also have a low tolerance for internal angst ridden monologues, of which they were a number.

As to the characterisation of Jack and Daniel, the Daniel of the first chapters was snarky, pissy and wonderfully drawn. His attempts to beat Jack at his own game, a pleasurable look at the 'real' man. I felt he had become a little too sanctified by the end, and a little too universally 'adored' and protected. Jack, however, was very much more in keeping with the man I see on screen.

Whilst I might not buy into Biblio's perceptions of the characters and what drives them, and struggled with some of the aspects of the story, I can find enough to keep me very well entertained and amused. It is a very well thought out story, which maintains its momentum throughout. If you enjoy J/D romance with a large team component, hurt/comfort, angst, drama and a side dish of a besotted, but crafty alien general, try it. I guarantee you'll find something to enjoy.[2]

NC-17. 12 chapters of humour, adventure, angst, sex, great OCs (I LOVE Brin, and so will you), h/c., evil baddies, kink, and oh this fic is just so LONG and so GOOD. With a plot which revolves around the premise that Jack and Daniel have to act as lovers on an undercover mission, this fic is nothing short of fantastic![3]


  1. ^ "Slash Slut's Stargate SG-1 Recs". 2002-07-27. Archived from the original on 2022-04-19.
  2. ^ Reviews by Ali
  3. ^ "Stargate Recs Part 3". Archived from the original on 2023-09-10.