Dial "M" for Mulder

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Title: Dial "M" for Mulder
Author(s): Dr. Ruthless
Length: 7440 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Dial "M" for Mulder' (The Clinic)
Dial "M" for Mulder (The Clinic, Wayback)

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Dial "M" for Mulder is a Mulder/Krycek story by Dr. Ruthless.

Summary: The challenge was that the boys should have phone sex. I love phone sex. Everyone who knows me is aware of what a slut I am for phone sex...and nobody will phone me. Go figure. Now, that's the plot. There ain't no more.

Recs and Reviews

Note: This was part of The Infernale Challenges. Dr. Ruthless' response to The Phone Sex challenge. Mulder is having problems with a sick obsene caller who won't leave him alone. Alex comes over to bring Mulder some info and Mulder proceeds to accuse him of being the mysterious caller. When another call comes in and it's cleared up that it isn't Alex things heat up from there. Mulder flips a little over lack of sleep and the unnerving feeling of being stalked on the phone and Alex of course comforts him. This story isn't much more than a PWP, but I've always liked it. Alex is pretty sweet, dangerous, and damn hot all at the same time in this one. I've gone back and read it I don't know how many times. It's on my mental lists of stories that I go back and reread when I'm looking for some M/K slash, but few good stories are coming across the lists. Some hot sex in this one that could defintely melt your bones. [...] Like I said, not a ton of plot, just enough of one to throw the boys together. Oh, they do such pretty (hot) things when you do that too. Gotta love them.<g> [1]


  1. ^ The Slash Slut's Recs: X-Files Recs. (Accessed 28 March 2015)