Dia de los Muertos

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Title: Dia de los Muertos
Publisher: Molo Press
Author(s): Morgan Logan
Cover Artist(s): Morgan Logan
Illustrator(s): Morgan Logan
Date(s): October 2006
Series?: No
Medium: print zine and online
Size: 31-pages, 9306 words
Genre: slash, m/m
Fandom: Starsky and Hutch
Language: English
External Links: Dia de los Muertos at AO3
Dia de los Muertos at Molo Press
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Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) is a slash Starsky and Hutch 31-page novel by Morgan Logan.

cover image by Morgan Logan.

Summary: Shades from the past shadow the future.

Notes: For ccwriter. Originally published as an independent zine for SHareCon 2006.

Author Notes: This story is a shameless indulgence in my desire to see Hutch sweaty and feverish. As such, it possibly contains some inaccuracies pertaining to how quickly the onset of the jaw-muscle spasms might occur. (Medical sites say 1-3 days). But tough noogies.

In all else, I tried to be as accurate as possible in portraying the special love that is between the two policemens.

Reactions and Reviews


I leave you with a nice dark story for this Halloween weekend. It's been fun driving this month

Why this must be read: I was so surprised to find out that this story hadn't been rec'ced on Crack Van. It is one of my favorite stories. Poor Hutch and Starsky are suffering from miss communication and Hutch has a fever. This is full of Hutch angst, beautiful Hutch angst. [1]
This is quite possibly my favourite Molo story to date....I can't stop reading it.....LOL

great choice! :)[2]

[valis2 at fangirl_tour]
Why I fangirl this: Morgan Logan is a truly awesome writer and this is an amazing story, full of dreamy, lyrical touches. It's beautiful and haunting and hot and full of hurt/comfort. How could I not love it?[3]
This story is a shameless indulgence in my desire to see Hutch sweaty and feverish and to read your wonderful way of describing it! The SH community lost one it's most greatest(I know that's not proper grammar, but who cares) rare gems of a writer when you left us for other fandoms. I still mourn over it, it's like a SH day of the dead, every day![4]
Awwww, thank you, buddy. I never fell out of love with these guys. But S&H fandom really had a mean on for Hutch back then and I found it too frustrating to write for a fandom that hated one of the lead characters, you know?[5]
You are so right about the Hutch hating, but that is why I clung and cling, to your stories because they were/ are a sanctuary for the Hutch lovers. I have put a guilty, mentally hurting hutch challenge up over at the Starsky and Hutch lj group due by Valentines day 2015 […][6]
[Daisy Morgan]
Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) by molo (esteefee) – This Hutch hurt/comfort story is hot as hell, but it’s also romantic and has all the feels.[7]
