Destiny's Bond

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Title: Destiny's Bond
Author(s): Wolfling
Length: 233K
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): The Sentinel/Stargate
External Links: online here

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Destiny's Bond is a Enqueri/Blair, Jim/Blair story by Wolfling.

This story was the winner of the Cascade Award for Best Online AU Novel.

It was going to be printed as a print zine, but for unknown reasons, this was not completed.

2000 flyer for the proposed print zine by The Presses

Reactions and Reviews

It's the SG-1 universe, Blair is recruited for one of their teams by Daniel, and on P8-935 Blair meets his destiny, the sentinel Enqueri. I liked how this AU explored how Jim might have accepted his senses in a radically different environment. I'm not that enthusiastic about the direction the sequel (still a WIP) is taking, but but you can check out Destiny's Choice on Wolfling's TS page.[1]

In this TS/Stargate SG-14 crossover, anthropologist Blair Sandburg unwittingly becomes partner to the Sentinel Enqueri when his previous guide Incacha is killed during a Jaffa attack. Wolfling skillfully interweaves the two shows, vividly describes the growing bond between Sentinel and Guide, as well as the isolation Enqueri feels estranged from his own culture.[2]
