Desire is Suffering

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Title: Desire is Suffering
Author(s): Darwin
Genre(s): het
Fandom(s): The X-Files
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Desire is Suffering is an MSR story by Darwin.

Story Header

Summary: Scully makes a difficult decision which forever alters her life, her

career, and her relationship with Mulder.

Disclaimer: These characters belong to 1013 Productions, Chris Carter, and to the actors who bring them to life. I'm borrowing them, and not for profit.

This vignette begins sometime during season five, and soon spins off into its own universe. I've tried to stay true to the characters as I could. Though I think a 'ship invading the show would be hard to write well, this is most definitely MSR, so if that’s not your bag then bail now. This story is rated NC-17 for consensual sexing type stuff, which I have to admit I got carried away with. So be warned, it that's not your cup of tea, do not go there with me. As for what you can expect if you make the commitment to sample this long story, all I can say that there will be no spawn named "Walter" or "Missy." In fact, there will be no Mulder / Scully progeny at all. And at no time will Mulder mutter the words "Call me Fox." If these things come as a relief to you, read on.

Feel free to archive this anywhere as long as my handle stays attached. I am a first time author of fan-fic. I've been reading for about a year now and wanted to contribute. Incidentally, I like the short, steamy stuff best (as well as some of the longer "classics") but since I was only gonna write one, it became a long, angst-ridden one that dealt conclusively with all that relationship stuff, blah blah blah. No X-Files here, though. Just the mushy stuff. And, of course, the blessed smut for which we are all grateful. (And if you don't feel that way, stop reading now....) Thanks to Linda Phillips who was nice enough to edit this. Thanks for reading, thanks for writing, and I hope you enjoy my work as I have enjoyed yours.

Reactions and Reviews

NC 17! Scully has to transfer out of the X-Files, but that doesn't mean she's really leaving Mulder. Too bad Mulder can't exactly see it that way...This is a really well written story that I liked even better on a second read. Great work! Plus I like the explanation of the title in the story! [1]
