Demon Poetry

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Title: Demon Poetry
Author(s): Sugar Rush
Date(s): 02 October 1997
Length: 5,565 words / 40k
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Demon Poetry (RatB)

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Demon Poetry is a Mulder/Krycek story by Sugar Rush.

Summary: "Here it is, yet another PWP scenario with our two favorite gorgeous guys, but with an AU twist... Basically, what if Mulder and Krycek had met when Mulder was still at Oxford?? So they're still our favorite gorgeous guys, only...younger, juicier, and in Mulder's case, a lot more innocent... "

Recs and Reviews

This one gets it's name from a quote from the first season ep, Fire. I'll throw it up here so you can get a feel for the piece right off. "Fire's got a certain genius, y'know, a certain demon poetry... it's like it's got a mind of its own..." This one definitely has fire to it, spark and heat that ignights when the boys first meet. You see the thing is this story plays with the supposition of; what if Mulder and Krycek had met years before Sleepless, when Mulder was still in college in England? This one takes place after Mulder finally found the courage to break things off with Phoebe Greene for good. He's drowning his sorrows in a pub, trying to ride out the worst of his addiction to her in London. Hoping it'll be far enough away to allow him to get more perspective on it and realize he did the right thing. Unfortunately, he runs into Alex. Who chats him up and then when he's unaware slips something into Mulder's drink. Like I mentioned in the warning there are issues of consent here.[...][1]


  1. ^ The Slash Slut's Recs: X-Files Recs. (Accessed 07 June 2013)