Demi-Gods and Hungry Ghosts

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Title: Demi-Gods and Hungry Ghosts
Author(s): Cori Lannam
Date(s): 2001 (zine), 15 April 2002 (online)
Length: 11,264 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Star Wars TPM
Relationship(s): Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan
External Links: Demi-Gods and Hungry Ghosts (AO3)
Demi-Gods and Hungry Ghosts (Cori Lannam's Fan Fiction)
Demi-Gods and Hungry Ghosts (M_A)
illustration for Demi-Gods and Hungry Ghosts, artwork by Merle Decker

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Demi-Gods and Hungry Ghosts is a Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan story by Cori Lannam. This story was originally published in the zine Living Force II.

Summary: Obi-Wan faces Qui-Gon across a battlefield and realizes that it takes more than a miracle to live happily ever after.

Recs and Reviews

demi-gods and hungry ghosts, by cori lannam, is the best in this fandom i've read. set during/after episode iii, obviously no spoilers, obi pov. bitter, aching, quiet, somewhat confusing, measured and cautiously glorious.[1]

Obi-Wan faces painful choices in this story, yet remains true to his duty and never gives up hope, especially when it comes to love. It’s quiet, bitter-sweet, stunning and powerful. A story about love and second chances. It was among the first fics I read in the fandom that pulled me in.[2]

Set years after the events of TPM, in which Qui-Gon survived, Anakin has turned, but not before driving a wedge between Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan. This is Cori's version of the prequels and I think her best work. It's gritty and sensitive, bitter and sweet, a story about love and second chances. This story was originally published in the Q/O fanzine Living Force II.[3]

Obi-Wan faces painful choices in this story, yet remains true to his duty and never gives up hope, especially when it comes to love. It’s quiet, bitter-sweet, stunning and powerful. A story about love and second chances. It was among the first fics I read in the fandom that pulled me in.[4]


  1. ^ cimorene. Recs: Star Wars, via Wayback. (Accessed 20 May 2015)
  2. ^ hsv_fangirl in so_uncivilized. Fic recs post, 02 August 2011. (Accessed 27 December 2015)
  3. ^ hsv_fangirl in crack_van. Demi-Gods and Hungry Ghosts by Cori Lannam (NC-17), 26 October 2010. (Accessed 03 January 2016)
  4. ^ "Comment on Fic recs posted to so_uncivilized, August 11, 2011". Archived from the original on 2023-02-28.