Deliver Us from Evil

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Title: Deliver Us from Evil
Author(s): Willa Shakespeare
Date(s): 1995
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
External Links: Deliver Us from Evil at AO3

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Deliver Us from Evil is a Blake's 7 story by Willa Shakespeare.

It was published in Fire and Ice #3 and is online.

Reactions and Reviews

AU version of Deliverance that makes me feel, "this is how it should have gone if the characters had the sense". But then I like Ensor, and think he should have had the chance to live. Very good characterisation, including the supporting cast (which may often be a problem in an Avon/Blake story). High points include: Ensor reacting in his inimitable way to having his life saved; Ensor junior trying to come to terms with the way people behave on Liberator; Jenna reacting to Blake's feelings for Avon; and of course Avon and Blake coming to terms with their own feelings for each other.[1]

Deliver us from Evil by Willa Shakespere - Willa's writing has got steadily better over time and this is a very well written story indeed. It's an AU set after 'Deliverence'. Blake and Cally overpower Ensor's son and head back for Cephlon, but Ensor's son learns that Blake is in love with one of the people left on Cephlon. Later on, he realises that this has to be Avon and his revelation causes a major flare up. This story has well drawn characters as well as a lovely Blake/Avon relationship. Although Ensor only appears briefly in the story, he feels absolutely spot on. Jenna is treated well and Cally, Vila and Gan feel like themselves too.[2]

so i'd read this one before as well, but i did re-read it because i like a lot of willa shakespeare's stuff a lot.

this one, as most of her others, has lots of really good crackly dialogue, and a nice warmth between blake and avon. it's not one of my favourites of hers though because the bits and pieces of it don't seem to go together - it's too many ideas (not bad ideas) flung at the same fic. there's no reason for us to have ensor's son tell avon that blake loves him/for this to be an AU from 'orac' onwards (this AU-ness is given a lot of weight and it is totally irrelevant, any way of avon finding out about blake's love would have produced the same result) for the rest of the fic to work. it seems like the 'saving ensor' plot could be a different, longer fic on its own, with large repercussions.

similarly there's no reason really to have blake having issues with having sex in the same fic (because i don't discount it as a device) as avon being ill while jenna+co have locked the two of them up until they sort out their differences. these are all things i like! but i think we could maybe have done with some of these threads split into different stories.

anyway - all that aside, i like a lot of this fic a lot. mind you, blake does cry about how much he loves avon... i... think it may be a joke because jenna is like 'wtf, blake, this is weird and creeping me out, please stop - i will make avon love you'. but i thought i'd mention it.[3]


  1. ^ 2006 comments by Preditrix
  2. ^ In 2007, Judith Proctor reviewed the zine here, Archived version
  3. ^ In 2013, aralias reviewed the zine on Dreamwidth, Archived version.