Defenders of the Realm

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Title: Defenders of the Realm
Author(s): Lamardeuse
Date(s): 05 August 2009
Length: 57,646 words / 5:53:12 hours
Genre(s): Modern AU, slash
Fandom(s): Merlin
External Links: Defenders of the Realm (when the world is puddle-wonderful)
Defenders of the Realm (Box of Magic)
Defenders of the Realm (podfic) (Audiofic Archive)
Defenders of the Realm (podfic) (author's site)
podfic cover, by ras_elased

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Defenders of the Realm is a Merlin/Arthur AU by Lamardeuse. It was written for Box of Magic, the Merlin Big Bang in 2009.

Summary: "Modern AU. Arthur and Morgana are Metropolitan police officers drawn into a strange case involving robbery of ancient artifacts. Merlin is a graduate student at Imperial College studying the healing plants of Ancient Britain under Gaius – or at least that's what he tells everyone. Soon they, along with Gwen, Lancelot and Uther, will be facing a battle for the future of the country. Can they defend the realm from those who would seek to destroy it?"

The fanfic cover is by ras_elased and wheres_walnut painted six illustrations in acrylic on cold press illustration board. FayJay podficced the story in August 2009 and cybel turned it into an audiobook, using ras_elased's cover.

Recs and Reviews

This is a fun modern day AU where pretty much everyone but Merlin is a police officer and there's still magic and the slash dragon.[1]

So is 58k short if I rec it beside much longer fics? This is a great modern AU. The plot is really interesting. It's fun to see the cast of characters meet up and bond figure out all the mysteries. An excellent medieval battle in modern times. [2]


  1. ^ paraka. Merlin Fic Recs, 29 March 2009. (Accessed 02 May 2012)
  2. ^ "Modern AU Arthur/Merlin Recs [A-J]". Archived from the original on 2022-06-22.