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Title: Dainties
Publisher: Crownmere Limited & Jarlidium Press
Editor(s): Silvermane
Type: art
Date(s): 2000s
Medium: print
Fandom: Furry
Language: English
External Links:
cover of issue #2, Scotty Talley
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Dainties is a PG-13-rated furry het erotic A4 anthology. It emphasizes sensuality over sexuality, and features furries wearing lingerie, nightwear, and swimsuits. There are two issues.

Dainties 1

Dainties 2 was published in 2001, and contains fifty-eight pages of art (four of the pages in color) and a contact list for some of the 26 artists. The front cover is by Scotty Talley, the back by John Tatman. The interior art is by Bethie Blackburn, Terrie Smith, Terry Knight, Allen Fishbeck, XianJaguar, Scale, Megan Giles, Shelley Pleger, David Bliss, Hellenic, Grrrwolf, Travis Castleberry, Matt McAndrews, RooCat, Michael Thompson, Foxy!, Max Blackrabbit, Fernando, Larylich, Simon Barber, Scott Talley, David Scherer, John Tatman, Bookie-Chan, Silverwind, and Polecat.