Daemons Luminati

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Title: Daemons Luminati
Author(s): Kalima
Date(s): July 2002
Length: 36,853
Fandom(s): Buffy the Vampire Slayer
External Links: Bugger This

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Daemons Luminati is a Spuffy fic by Kalima. It was a winner of the Halo Award for best long story. It was titled "Radiance" on FFN and AO3, but the AO3 post has been changed back to the original title.[1][2]

Reactions and Reviews

I just read this on some other archive under the original title, and then was doing a search to see where else I could find it. I LOVE this story, so much. BarbC recommended it to me awhile back, but I just now found the time to read it.

I've read a few of your other stories elsewhere, but now I know to look for them all here. Yay!

I absolutely love stories wherein Spike is allowed to let his inner evil side through, in his thoughts. I get so sick of Saint!Spike in Spuffy stories; your portrayal of Spike is perfect to me. When he chased Tara through the park - terrifying and heartbreaking and wonderful. I also enjoyed your portrayal of Tara.


This? Is one of the best stories out there. I remember it from back in the day (and hey, I loved the original title); I am delighted to be re-reading it now. Everything about it rings true - the plot, the characterizations, the speech, the way each scene plays out. Love.


So, first off, this was amazing. In fact, it's writing like this that reminds me that my future as a writer is strongly in question. For instance, I'm gonna refer to an early passage that I feel earned both a criticism and a compliment. The passage in question is the scene near the very beginning, where the women are trying to figure out what happened to Spike. At no point did you ever write who was saying what, and I found that distracting. All there was was dialogue. However, I found that once I stopped analyzing every line, trying to figure out which character had spoken, and instead just powered through, reading as I would a screenplay, I found that it was utterly obvious who was speaking when. Such was your ability to use dialogue effectively as an expression of the characters.


This was one of my favorite stories in its original posting, and still one of my top-shelf recs for Spuffy fanfic. Great characterization for everyone involved, great inclusion of Tara, and excellent dialogue. I Love Spike's last line here about moments stringing themselves together. This is also the only fic I've ever read where I thought the topic of assault was well-handled and justified in the story context. Usually I will drop a story cold as soon as I read that, but you made it worthwhile.

