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Title: Cydonia
Author(s): Em Brunson
Date(s): March 6, 2002
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): The Sentinel
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Cydonia is a Jim/Blair mpreg by Emily Brunson.


Anyone else started Em's latest TS story? She recently posted the

first chapter of Cydonia. She warns that it may be awhile before there's more, as she's having some health problems right now. However, if you are a fan of Em's TS work, this is really original and well written, as usual.

Without giving too much away, It's an AU, where J/B are abductees by some alien race. Several people escape after being held for about 3 months. They land in the middle of a Texas desert. Everyone is disoriented and shell shocked, but glad to be out of the nightmare. Jim is a little worse off then everyone else, but no one knows exactly why at first.


Turns out that Jim had been separated from the others on the ship, and had been used as a *breeder*. He is pregnant with an alien child! He goes through hours of labor like a woman, with weird cravings (eating soap). At the end of the chapter, he has just given birth to his child/thing and turns into a fierce, protective mother (father?). He wants to keep his baby! [1]

Reactions and Reviews


Dark, angsty mpreg -- involuntary, alien-induced -- with lots of Jim-hurt and Blair-comfort. [2]

Em's Cydonia is a fucking *fascinating* piece of work, and I always wished Em would finish it, and then file it and turn it into a screenplay. It's wildly AU, which really shouldn't need to be said about an mpreg, but there you go. Well worth reading--myself, I'm still haunted by the idea of an alien-impregnated Jim eating soap for the nutrients. <G> [3]


WiPs are a read at your own risk venture. i want Em to finish cydonia. i want her to *leave* CIS fiction to finish cydonia... but i can't see it happening any time soon. otoh, i'm really glad someone pointed me that way, and i read the part of cydonia she has/had up, and believe i'm a richer person for it. (maybe an odder person, too, but that's another story.) [4]


From the horror story point of view, I think Cydonia stands pretty well on its own. That ending is *classic* "we think all is well, and THEN..." [5]

Cydonia as it stands is a reasonable piece. it's a little psychadelic to end a piece in the situation Cydonia is at, but it's been done before, and is an accepted tactic in horror and dark fantasy both.[6]

Is told in flashback format by blair... now, pregnant!anyonemale is difficult to write believably. sf/f is difficult to write. believable aliens are difficult to write. Em is a master. Em hit all my buttons dead on. i really, really wish Em would finish Cydonia... [7]


OK, yes. "Cydonia" is my secret shame. Or maybe not, since it properly treats MPREG as a horrorshow. [8]


  1. ^ comments at Prospect-L, quoted anonymously (March 2002)
  2. ^ comments at Prospect-L, quoted anonymously (October 2002)
  3. ^ comments at Prospect-L, quoted anonymously (October 2002)
  4. ^ comments at Prospect-L, quoted anonymously (September 30, 2003)
  5. ^ comments at Prospect-L, quoted anonymously (November 2004)
  6. ^ comments at Prospect-L, quoted anonymously (November 2004)
  7. ^ comments at Prospect-L, quoted anonymously (November 2004)
  8. ^ comments at Prospect-L, quoted anonymously (July 2005)