Cycles of Change

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Title: Cycles of Change
Author(s): Viccy/Rimau
Date(s): June 1999 (revised April 2000)
Length: 287kb
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Buffyverse
External Links: archived link, Ao3 Link

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Cycles of Change is a Angel/Xander fanfiction by Viccy/Rimau. It's the first story in Rimau's series No Forces of Darkness, and it has a sequel Lab Rat.

"What would happen if one of the Scooby gang became a vampire?"

The author has personally archived this story on Ao3, where they write under the pseud RimauSuaLay

Reactions and Review

This is an interesting take on what it means to be a vampire and I enjoyed it thoroughly. The Xander/Angel relationship is sweet, although I don't think the characterisation is strictly canonical. This story is rather light-hearted, in my view, despite the angsty subject matter and I enjoyed it very much. [1]

Rimau’s two-part series, No Forces of Darkness, first introduced me to the idea of slashing the men of BtVS. Cycles of Change and its sequel Lab Rat have Xander/Angel and vampire!Xander. What’s not to like?[2]
