Crimson Snow

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Title: Crimson Snow
Author(s): BlackenedHearts
Date(s): 17 March, 2013
Length: 5,863 words
Genre(s): femslash fanfiction
Fandom(s): RWBY
External Links: Crimson Snow @ FFN

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Crimson Snow by BlackenedHearts is a White Rose story and the first piece of RWBY fanfiction posted on FFN. It was posted on 17 March, 2013, four months before volume 1 was released and is an example of type of characterization fans gave to Ruby and Weiss based solely on their trailers.

Summary: "Today was the happiest day of their life, the day they had become promised to each other. Returning home Ruby resolves to show Weiss just how she feels. Both girls anticipate their future together, and remember their past. For now though, they find the present in each other. Yuri. Ruby/Weiss. One-shot."


Looking back on it, and please do not take offence at this, I am amazed that THIS was the first RWBY fanfic ever. I remember this being categorized as Misc. Anime... or Cartoon... people were divided back then, but I digress, of all things, it was a straight up smut between two characters - the second one being shown only a month beforehand.

Rereading this, especially now that we're starting Volume 3, brings back a lot of memories about how this show was seen back then during the trailer era. It just brings me back to how humble this show started off. Y'know, minus the whole, it fucking came out of nowhere in the most badass way right after the end of the RvB season.

Anywho, here's hoping for a lot more good memories in the years to come. And thanks for being at the start of something beautiful. You truly were the one of the original pioneers of the writers back then in this show.

(Was about to end this but I checked my favourites. I had actually faved this literally 3 days after you posted it. Now I'm remembering how much I searched for fanfics of this series. Ah, good times.)[1]

I re-read this story when I saw that it had been reported, and I have to say that it's quite unfair. If the story was reported for the lemon, then I don't think it was worth reporting at all; I've seen stories that go much further than this one, and they are still there to this day. It has to be said now, that I don't read these fics to get to the lemons (I'll actually never write one either, I can promise). They are an optional means to an end, which is the telling of a good story. In the end, this is a good story, which uses a lemon, within the context of the storyline, as such a means. This is as opposed to fics which are purely crude lemons that either have no semblance of a storyline or completely deviate from it (and are still listed today). I hope that this story doesn't get pulled for something so stupidly unreasonable.[2]
