Cotton Candy (BTS story)

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Title: Cotton Candy
Author(s): mintsoda
Date(s): March 2017 - June 2018
Length: 240k words; 25 chapters
Genre(s): High School AU, slash
Fandom(s): BTS
External Links: ao3 link, Archived version
Cover art by yoonminpaws (2019)

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Cotton Candy is a BTS fanfic by mintsoda. It is a High School AU. The main pairings is Yoonmin.

On the Archive of Our Own, it is the forty fourth most popular BTS fanwork by hit count. As of February 2021, the work has over 253,000 hits, 10,000 kudos, 2,100 comments, and 3,100 bookmarks.



"He could get used to sitting next to Yoongi like this. To have him around. To have the band around. To smile and feel happy. To see Yoongi sitting in front of an instrument and having him play just for him.

'If this was my happy ending,' Jimin thinks, resisting the urge to lean his head on Yoongi's shoulder, 'if I wasn't who I am, I'd just let you have me whenever you want. You could have me anytime.'"

As spring turns into summer, school band Cotton Candy unexpectedly loses its singer and the members are forced to look for a new vocalist. Six boys find one in the form of the promiscuous pink haired boy Park Jimin who makes a home in their hearts and finally finds a place he belongs.

Reactions and Reviews

Not technically an enemies to lovers fic, more strangers to lovers, but they were very different at the beginning of the fic. Also, one of my favourite Yoonmin fics.[1]

it’s always refreshing to see badboy!jimin and soft!yoongi because that’s rarely seen in fics, especially badboy!jimin, and also, band!aus are the best[2]

Oh this is definitely one of my favourites! I love eccentric!Jimin because in fics, there’s too many soft!Jimin. It’s nice to see a change-up. The boys are in a band with Jimin being the new addition and his peculiar character intruiges Yoongi. The fic is set back in the 90s so you get a nostalgic feel to it. READ IT.[3]

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