Convergence (Smallville story)

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Title: Convergence
Author(s): Rushlight
Date(s): 14 July 2002
Length: 144 K
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Smallville
External Links: Convergence (Smallville Slash Archive)
Convergence (The Bard's Den)

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Convergence is a Clark/Lex story by Rushlight.

Summary: Dr. Hamilton's experiments on the meteor rocks have an unanticipated side effect that threatens to destroy the very fabric of space and time.

Recs and Reviews

Convergence by Rushlight - A plotty AU, a bit complicated but interesting nonetheless, largely due to Rushlight's style of writing. Featuring a favorite type of plot in this fandom: meteor rocks, tears in the space-time continuum, timelines askew, a Lex who's not really the right Lex...[1]
