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Title: Confessor
Author(s): Elizabeth Lowry
Date(s): 1990
Genre(s): slash or gen
Fandom(s): Starsky & Hutch
External Links: here and here

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Confessor is a Starsky/Hutch story by Elizabeth Lowry.

The story touches on the subject of AIDS.

The story was originally in Wanna Share? #2. It was also submitted to the proposed zine "L.A. Blues," but that zine was never published.

Reactions and Reviews

This story can be read as either non-slash, as the author has said, or slash, as I and others have always read it as such. They are comfortable in each other's spaces (perhaps even sharing the same space) and they're together. But the outside world, the scary prospect of this hidden plague, is pushing in on them.

"I was checking on some lab work Brody was doing for us." Starsky shifted in his chair.

"No." Everything in Hutch began to pound. He could feel his heart thudding painfully against his chestwall. "No. You were checking on a blood test. Your blood test. You were talking to Dr. Murphy." He tried to slow the rhythms in his body. They continued to beat out a cadence he was unable to control. "I know. I did it, too."

All those blood transfusions, all those lovers, all that risky comes crashing down on them. Fear and doubt and confusion, it's a time when nobody can give you guarantees of tomorrow. [1]

I've been wondernig if there are any HIV stories in the S&H fandom. It seems to me it would have impacted on them in a lot of ways in the 80's. [2]

I don't need all my slash to be realistic as far as safe sex and sexually transmitted diseases go -- but I like the occasional story that touches upon the true challenges of being sexually active in a time when it can kill you. [3]


  1. ^ a 2006 comment at Crack Van
  2. ^ a 2006 comment at Crack Van
  3. ^ a 2006 comment at Crack Van