Compromising Positions (Blake's 7 story)

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Title: Compromising Positions
Author(s): Sonia
Date(s): May 1993
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
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Compromising Positions is a Blake's 7 story by Sonia.

It was published in Southern Comfort #7.5.

Reactions and Reviews

Unknown Date

Blake features very little in this zine, though his clone puts in an appearance with Avon in "Compromising Positions", which also deals with Vila's earlier life. Of the remaining crew, Gan does not feature at all, and Dayna and Soolin only in passing. There's not much of Cally or Jenna either. [1]


Instead of going to Terminal, Avon follows up another secret coded message claiming to be from Blake. Avon meets a Blake determined to act as though they had been long-time lovers. While Avon is out-of-contact with this Blake, Vila organizes their rescue. Not bad--Avon dealing with a confusedly amourous Blake was quite well done; Vila being the know-it-all about the planet and leading the troops was overdrawn and overlong. [2]


(A/B - sort of) Hooray, an A/B at last! But it's a weird example of the same, and I'm not sure who it's for. As an A/B shipper I found the fact that Avon was very insistent that he and Blake were both straight irritating. However - if I'd been a non-A/B shipper surely I wouldn't enjoy the fact that Blake (who is actually a clone!Blake, spoilers, with weird erroneous A/B sex memories that Blake put there during the mindprint session so that Avon would know it was a trap, as Jenna indicated they might be gay once and they both thought it ridiculous!) screws Avon in the shower while they're under surveillance and he needs to keep up the pretence that they're lovers. (N.B. It's an alternate Terminal plot, basically, by a non-Servalan Fed agent). It's quite A-B as well, as Avon is determined to rescue clone Blake, and yet not - as he tells the clone not to tell anyone he is a clone, because they all need Blake (but Avon has no loyalty to the real Blake? And as long as they have one, the other one can go and die??). So I assume the writer doesn't want to depict Blake as a semi-rapist. It's also not sad, like something like 'Substitute'. Because they're still friends at the end, and Blake!clones feelings are mostly there for lols? I think. And so we end with no Terminal, and Blake!clone on the ship in love with Avon, who definitely does not want him. I guess ... this fic could use a sequel ... where we find out what all of this means (and ideally Avon realises that he is gay, and maybe the real Blake comes back and is confused - Avon, I thought we were bros! - and/or gets talked into a threesome). I assume it didn't get such a sequel. The Vila's past stuff was fine, and quite amusing. [3]


  1. ^ review by Anonymous at Judith Proctor's Blake's 7 site
  2. ^ Review posted by Sandy Herrold to Lysator on March 6, 1994, quoted with permission.
  3. ^ comments by Aralias, see full post at Lots of not very good zines, November 13, 2015