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Title: Commodity
Author(s): keiko_kirin
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Stargate SG-1
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Commodity is a Stargate SG-1 story by keiko_kirin.

Reactions and Reviews

Gen, according to the author. (Some readers may view it otherwise.)

Every one of Keiko's SG1 stories is worth reading, but this one works particularly well as an introduction to what the FF of SG1 has to offer. Because - okay, in many ways, this could be an episode. SG1 visits an alien culture, gets into trouble, gets out. And I love the way the team works together in this; for much of it, they're separate, but they still think and function as a unit, and I love that.

But there's also - well, put it this way. I think there's a reason this story isn't a romance, even though the author could easily have made it so: it shouldn't be. There's too much other important stuff going on, and it's too much about the team and the culture they find - romance just doesn't fit in here. And that's why this is perfect to include as an intro both to SG1 (because, seriously, these people do not have time for the more fun parts of life; hell, I'm surprised they manage to shower regularly) and the gen side of this fandom's fiction, which typically goes much deeper than the show itself can.

(By the way - if you're curious about what Keiko can do with slash, get thee to The Road Between the Walls, which is another fabulous Stargate adventure, with all the slash and alien cultures and plot you could ever hope for.) [1]
