closing the circle

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Title: closing the circle
Author(s): Ireliss
Date(s): 27 August 2020
Length: 3,650 words
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Alex Rider
External Links: closing the circle (AO3)

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closing the circle is an Alex Rider story by Ireliss.

Summary: John Rider is sent to investigate the dacha at the Silver Forest. (Canon divergence from the end of Russian Roulette.)

Recs and Reviews

Another one I don’t want to say too much about because of spoilers, but it is eerie, beautiful, and heartbreaking. I read it twice through before I understood it all. I usually don’t like stories that feature major character deaths because I am soft-hearted but this is the exception. Bring tissues. Teen, complete. Takes place towards the end of the events of Russian Roulette.[1]

Olya Never Writes
