Circles (Star Wars TPM story)

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Title: Circles
Author(s): Keelywolfe
Date(s): 01 March 2000
Length: 36k
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Star Wars TPM
External Links: Circles (Master & Apprentice)
Circles (Keelywolfe's Fanfiction)
Circles (The Hidden Past)
cover art by analise

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Circles is a Obi-Wan/Xanatos story by Keelywolfe. It was archived at the Obi-Wan Torture Oasis with a fanfic cover by analise.

Summary: Obi-Wan seeks something his master cannot give him in the arms of another.

Recs and Reviews

Keelywolfe has a way of getting angst into the tone of her narrative that I really like. The way her sentences and paragraphs are put together do a great job of leading you from one moment to the next with a bit of a sense of dread ("ack, what's going to happen next...?"). Xanatos has always been a great TPM-era fanfic villain, but he's even better when he's been sought out on purpose. The connection between Obi-Wan and Xanatos here is fascinating to read, and the sex is hot, too. ;) Also, points for a clever title. [...]
This is another star-crossed lovers sort of story, in which Obi-Wan can't have Qui-Gon, so he looks for something from someone else. Here, the someone else turns out to be Xanatos. Obi-Wan's struggle against what he wants and what he's asking for is lovely, but Xanatos's response and willingness to give are what really struck me the first time I read this story. Both characters seem determined to hate each other, but Xanatos is willing to let his guard down a little further. Or is he? How much of this is honesty and how much of it is Xanatos trying to press an advantage over Obi-Wan? (I give Xanatos a lot of credit here, but I wonder if I should.)[1]

Xanatos is just so wonderful in this. It's fic like this that makes me love him.[2]


  1. ^ helens78 in tpm_flashback. Keelywolfe - Circles, 12 October 2004. (Accessed 16 April 2015)
  2. ^ isolabela in: homology_cubed. More Qui/Obi for your enjoyment., 29 July 2005. (Accessed 28 December 2015)