Christmas Snow

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The Professionals Fanfiction
Title: Christmas Snow
Author(s): PFL
Date(s): 1996
Length: 3550 words
Genre: slash
Fandom: The Professionals
External Links: online at the Circuit Archive

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"Christmas Snow" is a story set in the The Professionals universe and written by PFL. It was a 28 page circuit story released as a "Christmas Pressie" for the CI5 mailing list in 1996.

The story was nominated for a Huggy Award for "Best Short Story, Drama, Circuit" in 1997.


In 2000, two fans Cassie Ingaben and Dagger compiled an index of many of the circuit stories. They also wrote brief summaries: "Xmas Eve. An op has just finished successfully, but D is upset over having to kill some teenagers. They go home separately, and B goes to bed. Late at night, D wakes him up and drags him in the street to play with the snow. After a heated battle, they get back in and start kissing - they have sex, and no words are spoken. Afterwards, when B babbles about love, D does not respond. B resigns himself to a one off, and D goes away. In the morning, however, D is back, saying that Xmas is a good date for an anniversary, since it is difficult to forget."

Reactions and Reviews

Unknown Date

glorious trash again. schmoopy pwps--the genre seems to lend itself. this one has hints of other things too, though, an queer magical air fraught with meaning near the beginning before it melts into mush.. [1]


I like the way that PFL juxtaposes a failed mission with Christmas, and the differing ways that Doyle & Bodie attempt to deal with it, before turning to each other.[2]


This is a deceptively slight story that sets a perfect trap for the reader. Just like the Lads, you're not really sure how it's going to end and when it does, you're left with the same feeling of stunned delight as a certain CI-5 agent.

It's a snowy Christmas Eve and business as usual for Bodie and Doyle - they've just finished a successful op and Bodie is looking forward to a Christmas spent in the arms of his latest girlfriend. Ray's at his broody, moody best as he and Bodie part company, leaving Bodie with the niggling feeling he's somehow failed his partner - and suddenly that girlfriend isn't so appealing anymore.

There's some lovely, fun imagery here of Bodie and Doyle acting like kids; considering how tough they usually are, the roughhousing highlights their already considerable attractions. There's also the rare payoff of a writer who knows how not to tip their hand, instead letting the reader experience the story as the characters do - every high and low, every heartbreaking insecurity, every tender (but never mushy) revelation.

Don't be deceived by the brevity of the story - as far as I'm concerned, it's perfectly proportioned and completely satisfying.[3]


I adore this. I always remember and love it for the irrepressible Doyle she presnts us with. Yes, he's moody and upset at the beginning, but waking Bodie up for a snowball fight? Is beyond lovely. I love that he gives that simple reason for turning up, that he forgot to wish Bodie a 'Happy Christmas'. As always with PFL, the magic is in what they 'don't' say. And the way Doyle disappears to go and get his toothbrush is somehow better than a dozen red roses and declarations.[4]

Christmas fics were something it took me a long time to warm to. I don't know why. But I do love them now. Maybe it's the contrast between the season of love and the reality of the job they do. Maybe it's the innocence of the holidays and the nostalgia factor that brings out -- believably -- a side of them that we wouldn't otherwise see. Whatever it is, a well done Christmas story captures all that and more -- and PFL has some of the best Christmas stories out there. I really enjoyed this.[5]


This story was one of the first I read when I came into fandom, and it made me very happy, a feeling I still get each time I revisit it. PFL's visual style here is one of its appealing qualities; being able to picture Bodie and Doyle each step of the way is a fun way to read.

I also enjoy the way the story paints Doyle initially in a mood reminiscent of how he is after the inquest in Discovered in a Graveyard, setting up a contrast between his and Bodie's attitudes to the job that's immediately familiar because of, though not directly connected to, the episode. One of the fascinating aspects of the Bodie and Doyle relationship in the show itself is the way they're very different and yet fit together like two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Where Doyle has a tab, Bodie has a notch; where Doyle is concave, Bodie is convex. Their edges slant, but in perfect synch. PFL conveys this essential quality about them beautifully in this early story of hers.



  1. ^ The Pros recs; archived link
  2. ^ review posted to the Pros-Lit mailing list by taverymate in Dec 2003, quoted with permission.
  3. ^ from a 2004 comment at Crack Van
  4. ^ comment in the Ci5hq rec post dated Nov 2009; WebCite; link.
  5. ^ comment in the Ci5hq rec post dated Nov 2009; WebCite; link.
  6. ^ 2010 comments by istia, prosrecs, Archived version