Cascade Library Interview with Blair Kennedy

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Interviews by Fans
Title: Cascade Library Interview with Blair Kennedy
Interviewer: Cascade Library
Interviewee: Blair Kennedy
Date(s): December 13, 1999
Medium: online
Fandom(s): The Sentinel
External Links: interview is here, Archived version
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In 1999, Blair Kennedy was interviewed for Cascade Library.

Some Excerpts

I used to watch soap operas all the time and when I first saw RB I was smitten. So, even after his stint as Phillip Collier was over, he was always in the back of my mind. Anyway, one of the soap weeklies always gives a list of former soap actors appearances. One of them read "Richard Burgi (ex-Phillip, Days) stars in The Sentinel on UPN. Check your local listings." I did and the rest is history.

I've enjoyed anime for a long time. Specifically, Superdimensional Cavalry Southern Cross which became the Robotech Masters segment of Robotech. I like anime because it is edgier than anything offered up here in the states. As for the two genres meshing, they can. The SM series was just for fun and most readers got the joke. In fact I got suggestions to turn Jim into Sailor Pluto! Still, some people were a little disturbed when I sent Simon on a date with Luna. I think the Cascade gang works well in the SC universe more easily since no one is switching genders or going out with animals, though.

The first piece of fan fiction I read was also Sentinel fan fiction. I was an internet newbie and was just browsing one day when I decided to do a search on movies like Friday the 13th. In the search box I typed in "slasher movies" and one of the results it returned was an explanation about slash fan fiction. I read it, was intrigued and began followed the links to a Sentinel story. I was intriqued so I continued to follow links which eventually led me to Wolfpup's Den, Lois Balzer's page and finally Guide Posts.

The friendship angle is one of its strengths simply because it seems more in vogue these days for people who are friends to be decidedly unpleasant toward each other. I would hate to have that Seinfield gang for friends. What's the old line? With friends like these, who needs enemies? True, Jim and Blair have had their moments when friendship seemed like the last thing on their minds as in Sentinel Too. However, there is the sense these characters genuinely care for each other. I think this is expressed nicely in Sweet Science when Jim has fallen asleep on the sofa waiting for Blair to return. Another strength is The Sentinel's sense of fun and willingness to not take itself so seriously. As for its weaknesses, inconsistent writing and unfortunate casting choices are at the top of my list.
