Brothers in Arms (Highlander series)

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Title: Brothers in Arms
Author(s): saraid
Date(s): 2000 or before
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Highlander
External Links: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 (saraid's cage)

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Brothers in Arms is a Highlander series by saraid.

Author's notes:

this is an m/m/f story set sometime after Tessa's death and in Duncan's past. I've taken literary liscense and moved the beginning of the tv series to before the first movie - I think that will fix it. Don't try to figure out exactly when, it'll just give you a headache :) like it did me. If you don't like multiple partners or graphic sex, don't read this. The characters belong to someone else and I'm just borrowing them...not the actors :) NC-17. M/M/F sex.

Recs and Reviews

Teetering on the edge of consent, or maybe as close to consent as some of these guys can get HL: Brothers in Arms by Saraid asks, howabout if you could say no, and you want to say no, but you don’t....[1]

Saraid is an extremely old Immortal who is exceptionally good with a sword. She is exquisite, and Duncan MacLeod feels that "he could tell her anything and she would understand, and forgive. Right now. Anytime. Forever." When she sees Duncan and Connor MacLeod, she realizes that they are destined to be together; she makes it possible for them to explore a sexual relationship which the two men still have 300 years later. [2]
