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Title: Brilliance
Author(s): Pat Terra
Date(s): 1994
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
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Brilliance is a Blake's 7 story by Pat Terra.

It was published in Avon Calling #3.

Reactions and Reviews

Good sort-of-tragic aphro story explaining why Avon *really* went looking for a bolthole, and how best-of-intentions meddling can do more harm than good. Well plotted. Although it's basically sad, there are elemnets of humour: as I said above, an aphro plot is basicially ridiculous, and I find it better if the characters are aware of that. Bonus points for special original sf element: a topical (through the skin) aphrodisiac that works in this way is truly origianl, and wish I'd thought of it. (Several internal titles for parts of the story should have been in a smaller font to make this clear: they're not *really* seperate stories) [1]

Actually a 5-part story, each section separately titled. Vila plays matchmaker via chemical assistance (Brilliance is a drug) with rather disasterous effects. Fits into the 2nd season continuity. Not bad.[2]

Another aphrodisiac story and even though this one has multiple other pairings and has Avon (probably) more into Cally than Blake, I like it a lot more than Cytherea. The premise is Vila wants to set up Avon and Cally, but keeps drugging the wrong people, so we have A/B, A/V and a quick bit of V/C. Only the A/B is described in detail and even though Avon and Cally exchange longing looks its the B/A that emotionally resonates (yes! Emotions! I felt them! Thanks AC3). The fic is set during Breakdown, btw, which I've argued before is one of the most important B/A episodes there is, and I think it really works for this fic, lending it a lot of the power of the relationship from that episode. There's a prompt on the kink meme that was not left by me, but is a direct quote of something I said about this fic to someone else. You can probably guess which one.[3]
