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Title: Bothy
Author(s): M. Fae Glasgow
Date(s): 1995
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
External Links: Benedictum online

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Bothy is a Blake's 7 story by M. Fae Glasgow.

The story was published in Bene Dictum #2 and is online.

Reactions and Reviews

I don't normally go for Avon/Vila stories, because although I see the affection between them I don't tend to sexualise it, but this is a terrific story. It's that old slash chestnut, Our Heroes Keep Warm In A Very Cold Place, but it is done well enough not to seem like a cliché.[1]

If you like good dialogue, gorgeously lyrical prose, hot sex and stories that just *grip* you and won't let you go--You can't go wrong with M. Fae Glasgow. "Bothy" is one of her lighter pieces. It's a take on the classical cave/cabin theme, this time with Avon and Vila being snowed in. You can tell this is her favourite pairing--the love shows in the delightful way this is written. The dialogue is excellent: mastering Vila's and Avon's speech patterns and creating Robert Holmes banter is no mean feat. The humour is laugh-out-loud funny, the angsty parts whimper-out-loud sad, the sex squeak-out-loud hot:).

Also? Bonus points for convincing me of the possibility of Avon/Vila (On the basis of canon dialogue being so nasty at times, I usually see Avon despising Vila too much for any slash to happen).

Go. Read. Now. It's the good crack:).[2]


  1. ^ 2002 comments by Preditrix
  2. ^ from Crack Van, recced by snowgrouse, July 2, 2004