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Title: Boneyard
Author(s): KateCMT
Date(s): 2005
Length: long
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Starsky & Hutch
External Links: online here

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Boneyard is a gen Starsky and Hutch hurt/comfort story by KateCMT. It won two Torino Awards, one in 2005 and in 2007.

This story is a classic Hutch-whumper which focuses on his relationship with Hutch's family, his past addiction, and his fanon-fear of being injected with morphine.


"He knew morphine was an opium product with the same addictive qualities as heroin. To anyone else the syringe and the relief-promising drug may have seemed fairly innocuous, but to Hutch they represented a direct conduit back to his nightmare. “I-I-I don’t want any,” he stammered again. His heart shuddered in his chest. “Starsky?” Panicked, he looked around for his partner. Please babe, don’t let him do this to me. Don’t let him give me anything."