Blond Over Blue

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Title: Blond Over Blue
Author(s): Montana
Date(s): June 1998-April 1999
Length: 30 chapters
Genre(s): het romance
Fandom(s): Hanson
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Blond Over Blue is a Hanson fanfic by Montana. It was written in 1998-99, and was somewhat controversial for its sexual content. The author offered this disclaimer after receiving some complaints:

People, I didn't think I'd have to put one of these stupid things up, but due to this email:

"hey, um......okay story at first but I do think you went a little over board! Man! No afence but my friend here are not the romance type and she has something to say: you know that part when you said that you lowerd yourself onto him and spread your "LEGS" apart and you said that he grabbed your breasts and then took a bite of a strawberry with sugar on it. THATS GROSS! no offece or anything. [email protected]"

Okay GIRLS, if you can't handle what you learned in fifth fucking grade, then don't read the story. It's not all sex, like this girl has implied, it's a STORY. Plot included, not all sex, in any manner. So if you've got a problem with that, and well written fiction. Then don't read it, I don't want idiots reading my story, period.


The story centers around Taylor's on again, off again relationship with a girl who he encounters accidentally on the subway. The girl, Lane, is two years older than Taylor and quite well known for her poetry, much of which is later inspired by Taylor. Their relationship is intensely sexual from the start, with Taylor losing his virginity to Lane and the two engaging in menstrual sex.

Reactions and Reviews

Perhaps it’s not quite so typical for 1998, though. By the third chapter, things are getting rather explicitly sexual. I was prepared for that, thanks to Montana’s warning, but I can imagine it being quite controversial back in the day. I’m not quite sure what I would have thought if I had read Blond Over Blue at the tender age of 11. I imagine it would have been very different from what I think of it today, though.[2]

These were sort of the standouts of the newly sexy Hanson. They were no longer young boys, they were becoming men and Hanfic authors were taking notice.[3]

Back in the day, I did read many of the “classics” – Tulsa 74132, I’m Not a Playa I Just Crush a Lot , Blond Over Blue, Zac Says Tay Still Wets the Bed, etc though I am largely in the dark about new hanfic.[4]


Blond Over Blue is featured in the and Various Artists halls of fame.
