Birds of a Feather (Good Omens story)

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Title: Birds of a Feather
Author(s): idiopathicsmile
Date(s): 6 July 2019
Length: 3608 words
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Good Omens (TV)
External Links: on AO3

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Birds of a Feather is a Aziraphale/Crowley fanfiction by idiopathicsmile. It was inspired by a Tumblr post about nesting.

Author's Summary

“Isn’t this nice?” says Aziraphale with badly feigned casualness the next time Crowley stops by for a late night drink.

Crowley is all set to reply, words lined up in his mouth waiting to go, when Aziraphale adds,

“I mean, all of the books and furniture and bottles of wine and things?”

Aziraphale nests. Crowley relearns some crucial facts about angelic courtship rituals.

Reactions and Reviews

Ack! I love this! I love that angels are correlated to birds while demons are more like insects. They do things very differently, but as long as they’re interested in doing them together it’s all good.[1]

okay so the idea is that angels nest and while that’s not my headcanon or anything I KEEP COMING BACK TO THIS FIC because it’s so cute and funny and has the barest hint of steam, i love it[2]

Ack! I love this! I love that angels are correlated to birds while demons are more like insects. They do things very differently, but as long as they’re interested in doing them together it’s all good.[3]


the one where Aziraphale is nesting and Crowley doesn’t get it. Another one of those classic miscommunication fics where everything is awful until they finally get on the same page, and then it’s wonderful. Also the thought of Aziraphale in particular feathering his nest with things he and Crowley both like is the sweetest mental image of all time.[5]

Inspired Fanworks



