Beautiful Broken

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Title: Beautiful Broken
Author(s): litgal
Date(s): 2005
Length: 100k+
Genre(s): AU
Fandom(s): Buffy the Vampire Slayer
External Links:, The Spander Files, bloodclaim

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Beautiful Broken is a Buffy the Vampire Slayer fanfic written by litgal. It is a slash fic pairing Spike/Xander. When posting at The Spander Files archived, the author's summary read, "Xander needs to recover after spending time as a slave." On their personal website, the summary reads, "Spike finds a trained Xander up for sale in a slave auction". This is a dark fic and the author warns for Slavery, Non-con, D/s, Hurt/Comfort, references to past torture and Bondage. This story was also posted at bloodclaim.

Velvet Virago's artwork accompanied Beautiful Broken. Their art was very not safe for work and hidden under cover tiles with additional warnings and disclaimers.

Beautiful Broken won multiple fannish awards including Sunnydale Memorial Fanfiction Awards, Forbidden Awards, Fang Fetish Awards, Fade to Black Awards and Spander Awards. In Round 18 of the Shades of Grey Awards, this story won Best Slash/Femslash Fic of All Time.[1]

This story also has a sequel Broken Revenge

Reviews and Reception


Spike buys a broken slave, Xander, who is severely traumatized from being trained to be a pet for demons. Slowly he is able to help Xander and heal him as master and slave explore a consensual D/s relationship.

Why You Should Read This:

This was my first Spike/Xander fic and the relationship drawn here between the two men is something I had never considered when I watched the show. Lit Gal takes Xander from a broken slave owned by demons to a wholly reinvented Xander who is both Spike’s pet and a warrior. The sex is hot, the adventures non-stop and most — but not all — of the Scooby Gang makes an appearance. The fic was part of the now-defunct Titanium Whip awards.


This is a Dark!fic focusing on season four, ADULTS ONLY. The artwork is NOT work appropriate. Multi-chapter fic. NC17. One of my favorites, but TRULY not for the faint of heart

Red Rayne[3]

Further Reading


  1. ^ Awards, a list of all awards won. Accessed 24 April 2024.
  2. ^ Beautiful Broken by litgal recommendation by goddess47
  3. ^ Litgal's Fics at Canon? What Canon? Red Rayne's Whedonverse Fanfic Recs site.