Bay City Library Interview with Shawne 'Til Dawn

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Interviews by Fans
Title: Bay City Library Interview with Shawne 'Til Dawn
Interviewer: Wolfpup
Interviewee: Shawne 'Til Dawn
Date(s): March 2007
Medium: online
Fandom(s): Starsky & Hutch
External Links: interview is here, Archived version
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In 2007, Shawne 'Til Dawn was interviewed for the Bay City Library.

See List of Starsky & Hutch Fan Interviews.

Some Excerpts

I am a first generation fan of the show. I remember watching the pilot when I was about twelve or thirteen and I was hooked... I guess what drew me to the show was the incredible chemistry of the two lead actors. Their friendship and bond was so tangible and it intrigued me. I never really thought that Starsky or Hutch was handsome when I was young, but now that I am older and 'wiser', I can certainly see the appeal of both men. For me though, it is especially so with the curly haired one. *g*

I have been writing for just over a year now. My first piece "Murder Ward Revisited" was published on February 12th 2006 on the Bay City Library. What inspired me to write? Well like I said before, I had always been a fan of the series, so when the comedy version of Starsky and Hutch (Wilson and Stiller) came out I was very disappointed. Then in January of 2006, I was surfing online one night and I was so shocked to discover this world of fan fiction. I found the BCL and thru this avenue, I found Elisa Valero's web site and her challenge page. There, Wuemsel had sent out a challenge for someone to write a Murder Ward Story (what if story) where Starsky gets hurt and Hutch is the rescuer instead. So I decided to try my hand at fan fiction and the rest is history. I remember I was so afraid to post it and I just sat on it for about a week and my hubby was the one who encouraged me to finally send it and I did. So you can find the original version of that story on Eli's site.

I haven't had television since 1996 so I am perpetually frozen in the era prior to 1996. All them new shows out there... haven't got a clue, although recently, someone clued me into a show called "Supernatural" that I wouldn't mind seeing. I'd have to go look for those dvds. :)

I just finished "No Regrets" and I am going to take a hiatus for a bit. My family really can't stand the idea that I write fan fiction and they want their mommy back. I am trying to infuse them with love so that I can perhaps come back one day. I guess this past year with me writing so much... well it threw the balance off in my home. I need to rectify this problem and then one day, I can hopefully write again.