As Its Remembrance Gives You Pleasure

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Title: As Its Remembrance Gives You Pleasure
Author(s): toi_marguerite
Date(s): 10 June 2012
Length: 977 words
Genre(s): vignette
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
External Links: archived on MRF (members-locked)

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As Its Remembrance Gives You Pleasure is a short story by toi_marguerite based on Mary Renault's 1953 novel The Charioteer, set after the end of the novel at a time when Laurie has returned his studies at Oxford.


When Ralph picks Laurie up at the station and drives them home, he thinks about their relationship and its might-have-beens.


The story was written for the 2012 Spring Jumble Sale challenge at maryrenaultfics.


Comments included the following:

  • "I enjoyed this so much! The present tense works well, conveying a here and now kind of happiness we so rarely get a glimpse of in Ralph. Your last line is wonderfully satisfying, thank you!"—comment by trueriver
  • "This is lovely. I really like the awareness Ralph has about the different interpretations he and Laurie would put on his past. That rings very true."—comment by fawatson