Ancient History

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Title: Ancient History
Author(s): fanged_geranium
Date(s): 22 January 2011
Length: 1062 words
Genre(s): backstory, missing scene
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
External Links: (members-locked)

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Ancient History is a short story by fanged_geranium based on Mary Renault's 1953 novel The Charioteer. Chronologically, it is the first story in a series of four, though the last to be posted. It fleshes out a missing scene that must have taken place shortly before Chapter Two.


Mr. Jepson is appalled when one of the boys in his house, Hazell, confesses to a sexual involvement with Lanyon, the Head Boy at the school.


"Ancient History" was written as part of the Unwritten Charioteer Writing Project (Chapter Two). It is followed in sequence by "Confessing", "Carter's Solution", and "A Conspiracy".


As the story took Jepson's perspective and presented a less negative view of him than the usual, it elicited a fair amount of comment:

  • "I'd never thought of Jepson like this. Wonderful."—comment by toujours_nigel
  • "This is an interesting take on Jeepers, and I think having him read something of his own experiences on to what Hazell says (or doesn't say), would certainly make a lot of sense."—comment by queen_ypolita
  • "This seems a very plausible reason for Jepson's somewhat hysterical stringency. Nicely interpreted."—comment by essayel