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Title: Anchors
Author(s): kristen999
Date(s): 03 May 2012
Length: 958 words
Genre(s): gen fanfiction
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: Anchors (AO3)

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Anchors is a Hawaii Five-0 gen story by kristen999.

Summary: This is the first night Steve has spent alone in his father's house since he died. (1.01 The Pilot- Coda)

Recs and Reviews

And the rest of these are all Kristen999 recs, because for some reason I hadn’t actually read through all her fic despite being aware of her as an author. First is a very short one by the name of Anchors which is pretty much just a coda fic for the pilot. It’s a quiet moment of reflection for Steve after the events of the episode and I think it’s a pretty needed bit. Because in a very short window Steve goes through so much, and at the end of the day he goes home, and that can’t be easy. I know walking into the house where my dad died is still hard for me and it was natural causes and expected. To have lost a parent the way Steve did and then to have to walk into the crime scene where it happened, to make that crime scene your home? Wow. And Kristen999, in less than 1000 words, takes on the subject and gives it some closure.[1]


  1. ^ its-2-am. More H50 gen recs, 04 January 2016. (Accessed 02 June 2016)