America's Games

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Title: America's Games
Author(s): Sarah Segretti
Date(s): 14 Feb 2001
Length: 113K
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: online here

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America's Games is an X-Files story by Sarah Segretti.

Author's Notes

Author’s synopsis: “Assigned to the bioterrorism squad at the 1996 Summer Olympics, Scully tries to make sense of confusing evidence, her baffling partner and her uncertain place in a world where the X-Files don't matter.” Set just post-Talitha Cumi and Herrenvolk."

Author’s notes: "I have set the events of Talitha Cumi/Herrenvolk in early July, 1996. This story takes place during the final scenes of Herrenvolk. Although the episode date stamps place those scenes a month after the rest of the episode, I’ve compacted the timeframe."

Author's notes, redux: "Where to begin? This story has been nearly two years in the making, and it wouldn't have been finished without a lot of poking and prodding from a lot of people.

First, Triton-X, who provided me with information on the Australian equivalent of the FBI and who has probably forgotten all about it, and Shannono, who actually drove around Chamblee more than a year ago so that I could have some idea of what the place looked like.

Next, the members of scullyfic, who have been listening to me whine and moan and complain about this story for several months when I wasn't busy commandeering topics for my personal use, and who kindly stalked me in return.

And the Beta Band: Barbara D., EPurSeMouve, Fialka, haphazard method and shannono for helping me make the original story make some sense. I will never load more than a quarter gig of data onto a virtual laptop again.

My son also played a critical but unwitting role in this story's completion: he began tae kwon do lessons last fall, and opened up another two hours per week in my schedule for writing, since I had to wait for him while he took his class. To him, a yellow belt and a bag of sparring gear.

This story is based loosely on the real multi-agency teams that performed this very job in Atlanta and Sydney. I've heard the actual people involved in Atlanta and Sydney discuss their work, but I made a lot of it up, too.

This story is also based on real-life events, some of which resulted in the deaths of many real people. I mean no disrespect by using these events in a fictional way; I hope none is taken."

Reactions and Reviews

Another fabu casefile! Scully gets sent on assignment...Mulder can't stay away...They have to share a hotel room....Oh yeah, and there's some sort of plot, too, for you freaks who like that type of thing! heheheeeeee! [1]

Sort of a fish-out-of-water story with Scully temporarily assigned away from Mulder and the X-Files, though of course Mulder can’t stay away long. Scully tries to puzzle out the information from files they found at Strughold Mining, and Mulder wants to investigate ginseng farms in Canada. Both are frustrated by their lack of progress, plus there's an undercurrent that is making them snipe at each other. High tension story that fits the mid-series tone.[2]

I love this fic. I’d forgotten begins toward the end of [the ep] “Herrenvolk,” probably because I hadn’t seen it yet. (I read a lot of XF fic before I’d gotten to see the episodes in order.) It’s even better than I’d remembered.[3]


  1. ^ The Primal Screamers Fic of the Week: January - June 2001, Archived version
  2. ^ rec by zinnia03 at X-Files Book Club, October 2015
  3. ^ 201 Days of The X-Files, Archived version