Alpha Jack

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Title: Alpha Jack
Author(s): ELG and Brenda Anders
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Stargate SG-1
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Alpha Jack is a Stargate SG-1 Jack/Daniel story by ELG and Brenda Anders.

It is related to Commanding Daniel.

Reactions and Reviews

Over at the jd_diva's site they've started a new challenge type of thing. They set up a new Alpha Males page, for stories and pictures where J/D are in full on Alpha mode. We've seen them like that countless times over the years and aren't they just scrumptious when they go into that mode? Nothing sexier than a man pumped up with adrenaline not knowing whether he's going to fuck you [or] kill you. To hot. That isn't just me and my Big Old Alpha Female side getting excited is it? Whatever. In this one Jack is full on pumped up after a battle and his libido is pointed straight at his true north. You guessed it Danny. Seems the two had a big fight about Jack going and Danny not before he left. You know Danny wanted to go and Jack refused to let him. Danny's sulk mode colliding straight with Jack's protective one. Well, Jack has returned from the mission and in need of a little TLC. In the form of hot sex, with him guy. Danny is still pissed though and not going to have any of it. Jack can be quite persuasive when he's so turned on he's practically vibrating with it. So you just know Danny is going to cave at some point, quite willingly. With screaming a whole lot of "Yes, Jack". I really liked this one. It has just enough angst to make it interesting and the right edge of humor to keep it from sinking down into some angst pit. Plus, you know hot sex. Sometimes your in the mood for that. Sometimes your not. The day I decided to rec this, I guess I was. It was the major Alpha behavior. I so love that, such a turn on. Appeals to my Alphaness. *dreamy sigh*[1]

Slash Slut's Stargate SG-1 Recs


  1. ^ "Slash Slut's Stargate SG-1 Recs". 2002-07-27. Archived from the original on 2022-04-19.