all I wanted was a white knight (I got a prince instead)

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Title: all I wanted was a white knight (I got a prince instead)
Author(s): orphan_account
Date(s): 06 January 2009 (1. version)
11 April 2009 (2. version)
Length: ~6,000 words (1. version)
13,629 words (2. version)
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Merlin
External Links: all I wanted was a white knight (I got a prince instead) (AO3)

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all I wanted was a white knight (I got a prince instead) is a Merlin/Arthur story by an author who later orphaned the story (6,000 or 13,500 words).

Summary: Arthur makes Merlin warm his bed.

Excerpt: "Merlin had not thought that it could get much colder, but during the night, the temperature had crashed another five degrees into the minuses and hadn't gone up again."

The story begins in the middle of winter and was originally written as a sharing body heat/sharing a bed first time romance fanfic which made it very popular[1] and often linked to on recommendation lists. The author later expanded the first version and the result was a story that was more than twice as long and it takes a while longer before the conflict is solved and Merlin and Arthur get together. This second version was popular too, however, the author's journal was deleted and purged. People were still asking about the story[2] because it was on so many recommendation lists[3] and it turned out that the author had the second version up in a new Livejournal.[4] The entry was later locked and the only version still online is an orphaned version at the Archive of Our Own.

In a discussion about the explicitness of fanfic in Merlin fandom someone mentioned the story as an example to support the POV that there does seem to be a pretty good body of non NC17 fics. "The History of Two Conversations on Paper" and "all I wanted was a white knight (i got a prince instead)" were two of my favorite stories getting into the fandom, and still are. They both have pretty low ratings.[5]

Recs and Reviews

  • "It's the coldest winter in Camelot in recent memory, and Arthur makes a strange demand. PG-13 (6000 words)"[6]
  • "Unseasonable cold brings Arthur and Merlin to share a bed."[7]
  • "[name redacted], clearly a woman after my own heart, wrote all I wanted was a white knight (I got a prince instead), where Arthur needs Merlin to warm his bed. Because he's cold. Trufax."[8]


  1. ^ Everyone's Bookmarks for: all I wanted was a white knight (I got a prince instead), 117 delicious bookmarks. (Accessed 02 November 2010)
  2. ^ scarlettmoon. All I wanted was a white knight..., 06 June 2009. (Accessed 02 November 2010)
  3. ^ monicaop. Looking for all I wanted was a white knight (I got a prince instead), in: merlin_finders, 15 July 2010. (Accessed 02 November 2010)
  4. ^ Everyone's Bookmarks for: all I wanted was a white knight (I got a prince instead), 101 delicious bookmarks. (Accessed 02 November 2010)
  5. ^ vanishing_cake. Merlin meta: (dis)proporntionality by glass_icarus - Comment, 14 May 2009. (Accessed 02 November 2010)
  6. ^ iamtheenemy. polyfandomrecs: Merlin Recs, 16 January 2009. (Accessed 02 November 2010)
  7. ^ Merlin. (Accessed 02 November 2010)
  8. ^ merrily. Sunday Links & Recs Post: Things I Found That You Might Like, 25 January 2009. (Accessed 02 November 2010)