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Title: Afterplay
Author(s): Jane Mailander
Date(s): 1994
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
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Afterplay is a Blake's 7 story by Jane Mailander.

It was published in Avon Calling #3.

Reactions and Reviews

(A/V) -- Jane Mailander After sex, and after Gambit, Avon and Vila play chess in bed. A really good unromantic story; that is, it gives full value to a close friendship in bed and out, rather than saying they have to be in love. Excellent, even though the pairing doesn't do much for me sexually.[1]

One of the best stories in the zine. After a session of sex (off-page) to celebrate their winnings in Freedom City, Avon and Vila try to cheat each other while playing chess in bed (something that Vila is much better at, to Avon's chagrin). Very nice character study. Mailander writes very good A/V.[2]

Ah, see, now this I did read, even though it's an A/V, and I liked it, because I can't resist things where all the characters are clever (they are clever) and rubbish in their own ways. Also chess playing. I can't resist that in a fic. This could easily be a gen fic, actually, but it works as a slash without the sex fic. Very nice Avon and Vila knowing each other very well/being strangely similar stuff.[3]
