Aftermath Too

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For pages with a similar title, see Aftermath.

Title: Aftermath Too
Author(s): Anna Lee
Date(s): April 1991
Length: 2 pages
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
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Aftermath Too is a Blake's 7 Servalan/Avon story by Anna Lee.

It was published in Southern Comfort #6.5

Reactions and Reviews

ok, so our first not soolin/avon fic. basically this one is written by paul darrow and jacqueline pearce - what if instead of not having sex in 'aftermath', they did have sex and it was hot? well, then - it would be quite hot. mostly this fic was quite good. until we reach the end and avon says servalan is a 'special lady' (trying to be carnell, but failing). also - for my 'funny descriptions of semen' collection (erin has gathered hundreds from all the spirk she's been reading), the following: His softening organ retreated from the warm nest, trailing a pearl stream across her thigh. [1]


  1. ^ comments by Aralias at Dreamwidth, posted July 13, 2013; reference link